We have a space for exploring on easels, sensory tables, creative art area, daily living area, and science/nature area. We have a large block area where we can use our imagination, pretend and build with lots of different blocks and loose parts (tree stumps, cardboard tubes, spools, lids, etc). We also have an area for quiet activities such as reading, playing with puzzles or fine motor activities. In the room we follow a Reggio Emilia Inspired approach. This approach allows the children’s interests to prevail along with the continuing practice of Emergent Curriculum. We also encourage the children to embrace their independence and competencies. Some of our daily learning experiences are yoga, baking, basic American Sign Language, all while exploring the joys of the outdoors in all different weather. Take a peek at our art area on any given day to watch your child and others as they use art materials in their own unique ways. The kinds of activities you’ll observe represent our belief that young children create more expressively when they’re free to enjoy the process of creating, rather than instructed to make a product that an adult has chosen or is directing. We give children a variety of materials and a comfortable place where they can work, and let the ideas come from their own creative selves. Through our observations of body movements and physical competencies, we created more space to move by enhancing our block area. We have observed the children using their bodies to roll balls on their tummies/backs; jump off several stacked mats, use eye/hand coordination to bowl; experience what happens when they jump on clay or press their bodies up against clay; to push cars while crawling; and how they climb the stairs onto the hanging bar to swing off it. We have really noticed a difference in how the children use their bodies and how they are physically involved in their play. |